Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reigniting Couple's Sex Life

Reading what other women has to say about sex, and what make them make it a priority or not is very interesting. I have to say I have learned a lot from these women as they talk about their sex lives being wives or mothers. It's not so fair as I see it as the women just have too many thingsto do. Anyway, I do love to share this article by Lisa Armstrong as it would really make us womenthink deeply and ponder upon it. I mean, let's not make it or think of it as an"obligation" but look forward to it as a rewarding activity. How about that?

Following is thefull bibliographic reference to the article I am referring here:

Armstrong, Lisa. "How's Your Sex Life?." Working Mother Feb.-Mar. 2007: 33+.

How's Your Sex Life? by Lisa Armstrong
Like most working moms, Elizabeth, a sales associate and mother of two, has a detailed daily list of things to do to keep her northern New Jersey household running. Walk the dog. Buy laundry detergent. Take Nichole to ballet. Juggle a conference call. Have sex. Sex on the to-do list? Has it really come to this? For Elizabeth, the sad answer is yes. Even sadder, it's at the bottom of the list. Though she and her husband are trying to get pregnant, the only time they can squeeze in some lovin' is at 2:00 a.m., while they're both half asleep. "Sex is always at the top of my husband's list, but I have so much to do that I'd have to bump something off my list to find the energy," says Elizabeth.
While men are purportedly the ones constantly thinking about sex, chances are it's on your mind, too-whether you're wondering how to have more of it or calculating ways to fight your husband off so you can just sleep, damn it! We asked 800 working mothers about their sex lives and got responses like "Sex? What sex?" and "Three words: just so tired." A whopping 73 percent said that they're unsatisfied with either the quantity or the quality of sex they're having. One woman said she and her husband were intimate so infrequently that she felt like she had her grandmother's sex life. Yet studies show that-yikes!-our grandmothers had more sex than we do. "Fifty years ago, there was a clear division of labor, and one of the wife's responsibilities in tending to domestic affairs was to fulfill her husband's sexual needs," says Scott Haltzman, MD, author of The secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever. "Back then, the average woman had sex at least twice a week. Two thirds of today's young wives say they are too tired to match that rate."
Okay, admittedly we're exhausted. But is that the only reason our libidos get less attention than the dog and the laundry? It's not merely a matter of energy, said respondents to our survey, it's also a matter of time. More of us hold jobs that are demanding, partly because they're more fulfilling, and yet we still shoulder most of the cleaning, cooking and child-rearing responsibilities. Seventy percent of our respondents said that their sex life got worse after having children; between work, kids and housework, there just aren't enough hours in the day for sex. But that's the simple explanation. Experts say everything from biological instincts to a lack of societal support also plays a role. Here's a look at the surprising reasons we're just not in the mood-and what we can do to revive the sensuous sex life we fear we forfeited for motherhood.
When Jenni, of Fort Lauderdale, FL, had her son a year ago, her interest in sex vanished. At first, she says, "I was breastfeeding and didn't want another person tugging at my breasts!" Then she grew resentful that her husband had time to hang out with his friends while she was up to her elbows in dirty diapers.
Jenni's explanation for their limp love life: "It's hard to let go and enjoy being with my husband because I'm always thinking of all that has to get done." But there's likely a more deeply ingrained reason that Jenni, as a new mother, is giving her husband the cold shoulder in the bedroom, says Edward Laumann, PhD, author of The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Women with children under the age of 6 are three times less likely to be interested in sex than other women, he says. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense: Back when we were hunters and gatherers, a woman couldn't escape danger with more than one young child in tow, so she avoided sex while her child was young to ensure survival. That biological hardwiring is today reinforced by the fact that women are exhausted. "Not having sex is a protective defense," says Dr. Laumann. "You don't want another child if you can hardly stand up!"
While working moms are quick to name indolent husbands as a prime reason for feeling so drained, that blame is somewhat misplaced, says Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic. "Yes, many husbands could be doing more, but the real issue is that there is a lack of support for parents in this country," she says. "This is the only industrialized nation [other than Australia] that doesn't have standardized, paid maternity leave, and where maternity leave is considered a disability." Perel has counseled couples in Europe, where there is more governmental support for working mothers, and says that there she doesn't see the chronic resentment that American women exhibit as a result of their isolation and lack of support.
As moms walk around with this pentup rancor, it sets a dangerous pattern in play, says Perel. The husband is continually asking for sex, and the wife withholds it, which in turn makes the husband resentful. Paige, a mom of two in Gainesville, GA, realized it was time to change things when her husband begged: "Just show some interest in me. It doesn't have to be a night of all-out sex, just a kiss-anything that shows you love me."
"I realized he was right," says Paige. "He was getting what was left over after I'd given to everybody else."
Our husbands may be doing less around the house than we'd like, but they're most likely doing more than their grandfathers did. Even so, most working dads have robust sex drives, while most working moms would rather flop into bed than fool around. According to Perel, women, who are far more easily fulfilled by an emotional rather than a sexual connection, become so enamored with their babies that there's less need for sex with their husbands. "The erotic ingredients necessary for a healthy sex life-novelty, curiosity, imagination, sensuality-are transferred from the husband to the child," Perel says. "There are languorous hugs for the kids, while the grown-ups must survive on a diet of quick pecks. Mothers might say: 'I'm so tired, I have nothing left to give,' but what they really mean is 'I have a sensual connection with my child and am getting everything I need from him.'"
Sally, of Brooklyn, NY, was enraptured by her son, now 3, when he was born. "I had this perfect, soft, cuddly little creature to bathe, nurse and care for," she says. Her six-foot-three husband was, by contrast, not quite so cuddly, and Sally became disinterested in sex. She had seen this with some of her girlfriends, but that was because they resented their husbands for not doing enough at home; Sally's husband was supportive and did his share of the chores. "The problem," says Sally, "is that while my husband and I worked well together, once our son was bom, we forgot how to play together."
Being playful is the key to getting a derailed sex life back on track, says Perel. To recapture the erotic energy that they had early in their relationship, couples must "create a space where you are not Mom and Dad but a couple," she says. Paige found that her relationship with her husband improved dramatically once she started spontaneously hugging and flirting with him. He'd complained that she usually ignored him and ran to her children when she got home from work, so she made a point of kissing him first.
The goal is not just to have more sex but to create a level of intimacy that will allow a sexual relationship to flourish. Every evening at around eight, after Lisa and her husband, of Leesburg, VA, put their daughter to sleep, they lie on their bed together for 15 minutes. They came up with this as a way to reconnect. Sometimes they just talk; other times they make love. "We've worked on it to a point that now it's a habit," says Lisa.
Though working moms are indeed tired and time-pressed, our survey revealed that 44 percent of us have sex once or twice a week. Like Lisa, these women know they must work at it. "When you don't have kids, you can do it whenever you want," says Lisa. "Now it means scheduling and making sex a priority. Just because we're mothers doesn't give us the excuse to stop being wives and lovers."
For the 22 percent of working moms from our survey who said they have sex fewer than 12 times a year, here's some advice from Heather, a northern California mother of two. She and her husband have turned planning their sex life into a fun little competition. During her entire seven years of marriage, she has put a heart on the calendar each time, she and her husband make love. They up their output in months when they notice the numbers slipping. At the end of each year, they tally up and set goals for the next. "Having sex on our standard to-do list makes us accountable to each other," says Heather. "When you measure something, it gets done!"
Putting sex on a to-do list may not be the hottest aphrodisiac around, but a healthy sex life is an integral component of a healthy relationship, say experts. As we schedule and scheme, compulsively drawing up lists to get it all done, we may indeed have to pencil in sex. Disheartening? Not really. We just have to make sure it's somewhere near the top of the list instead of the bottom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Beauty Tips for Career Women

Indeed "putting the best face" is the way to describe or phrase it for us women it. Funny when you are in the office, and in a day you are to deal with many other people, 95 percent if not all are professionals and you don't have enough confidence. I mean, it can be that you just forgot your eye liner, lip gloss or a spray of perfume.

It may not be real for men but for women the confidence factor is indeed very influenced by how we feel within ourselves. Below is a surely helpful article for us all career women and for those who are aspiring.

Feel free to digest it too and share it with others. This was taken from the following full bibliographic reference:

"Beauty Tips for Career Women." Ebony Sept. 1995: 36+.
Beauty tips for career women.

Dealing with the day-to-day stress that is a part of the job and lifestyle of the working woman is hard enough in itself. Making sure that you look your best while performing at your peak level takes additional effort and time. And some women, especially working mothers, might feel at times that it is impossible to prepare breakfast, get the kids off to school and do what is necessary to look great themselves as well.

But with better organization of time and by adopting a few manageable beauty tips, you will find that, yes, you can have it all - a fulfilling job, a good marriage as well as children - and still look good yourself.
Following are some beauty tips that will come in handy for any working woman, regardless of her particular job or profession. Sure, your job and family are important, but so are you and your appearance. Take the time and take the steps to make sure that you look your very best very single day.
Make Skin Care A Priority.
First impressions are important in the work world, so make sure you always put on your best face. The first step is to assess your skin-care regimen.
Adopt a twice-daily cleansing routine that is appropriate for your complexion. If you have oily skin, wash with a facial soap especially formulated for your skin type. Then use an astringent to remove residue of soap and dirt. Immediately follow with a moisturizer for oily skin. Many women with oily skin assume they do not need a moisturizer, but they are mistaken. A moisturizer should be applied after cleansing to lock moisture into your skin.
If you have dry skin, you may prefer to use a cream makeup remover rather than soap, and a toner is better for your skin than an astringent. Treat your skin to a rich moisturizer. Those with sensitive skin should use products that are free of fragrances and other irritants.
An important part of your beauty routine should be exfoliation, which leaves your skin radiant. By using a loofah sponge or exfoliating cream or lotion, you remove dead skin cells and prevent blocked pores that tend to cause blackheads and other blemisbes.
And regardless of how tired you might be after working late, cooking dinner and putting the children to bed, do not ever retire for the evening without first cleansing and moisturizing your face. Old makeup and dirt love such opportunities to clog your pores and create unsightly pimples.
Enhance Your Natural Beauty With
It is especially important to use makeup appropriately when reporting to the office. Use cosmetics to accent your natural features. Choose a foundation that complements and evens out your skin tone. Highlight your check bones with blushers. Eye shadows and liners should be subtle rather than garish. And all makeup shades should complement each other. You'll win points around the office by wearing subdued makeup that enhances your natural beauty.
Dress For Success.
How a woman dresses for her job is one of the most important factors in her career success. But keep in mind that proper attire varies from profession to profession, and even from company to company. If your employer has a dress policy, adhere to it. If not, take note of how those women who are in higher positions dress. Though mini skirts now are quite fashionable, they are frowned upon in many places of employment. Women who want to get ahead also should be wary of wearing see-through attire, skin-tight skirts and dresses, glittery party outfits, shorts, jeans and leggings. Banks, law firms and accounting firms, as well as many Fortune 500 companies, prefer that their employees wear more formal business attire. But even some of the most conservative companies now have casual days, on which all employees are encouraged to don casual attire. It would still be wise to lean conservative on the casual wear. Save the sweat suits, short-shorts, bustiers, skimpy T-shirts and other such clothing for the park or nightclub.
Eat Your Way to Better Health and A
Better Body.
A well-balanced diet is important to beauty. Eat at least five servings of ftuits and vegetables each day, and make sure whole grains and calcium are part of your daily diet. Protein is necessary for strong nails and healthy hair and skin. Iron, vitamin A and vitamin E are essential to beautiful skin.
Also, most working women could benefit physically and psychologically from losing a few pounds. In recent years as health-conscious people have cut back on the fat in their diets, they have increased their intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Consequently, many people, working women included, continue to be overweight.
Monitor your food intake and cut out (or at least cut down) the amount of sweets and starches you eat. Eat a nutritious low-fat breakfast. Rather than eating a sweet roll or donut at coffee break, eat a piece of fruit or a bagel without cream cheese. And plan your lunches and dinners so that you will not resort to high-fat, calorie-ladened meals put together hastily and influenced by hunger pains. As you lose weight and shape up, you may notice an increase in your energy level, as well as compliments coming your way from your co-workers.
Spice Up Your life With Exercise.
Exercise goes hand in hand with our calorie-cutting regimen. Regular exercise increases your energy and helps you deal with job-related stress; but it also helps increase your body's metabolism rate, thus enabling your body to burn more calories.
Even the busiest working mother can find time in her hectic day to exercise. When the weather is great, take a brisk walk in the morning before work, during your lunch break or after work. When possible, walk to work, or at least part of the way. Try running up and down the steps in your building. You can burn up a lot of calories, and give your cardiovascular system a good workout, by walking (or running) up flight of stairs several times a week.
Some busy women have found it beneficial to buy a treadmill or stairstepper so then, can exercise in the comfort of their homes when time permits. If you don't have such discipline, join a health club and/or get a personal trainer. To whittle down the waistline and tone up the thighs, make a habit of doing leg-lifts and slow stomach crunches while reading or watching television. Some experts advise that you can lose a half pound a week simply by cutting your caloric intake by 200 calories a day and exercising for just a half hour, five days a week. Regular exercise will result in a body of which you can be proud. And when you look good, you feel good and your self-esteem increases. Consequently, you perform better on the job.
Don't Neglect Your Crowning Glory.
Nothing detracts from one's appearance as much as unattractive hair. Experiment to find a hairstyle that is flattering to your facial features and easy to care for. Regularly have your hair professionally styled and trimmed to control split ends. And wash your hair at least once a week. Many women who shampoo infrequently find that their skin problems clear up with more regular hair washings. Those who wear braids should be aware that tightly braided hair can create constant tension on the hair follicles and result in permanent hair loss.
Put Your Best Foot Forward.
Don't ruin your otherwise perfect and professional look with worn-down shoes. Regularly visit a shoe shop and take steps to reduce wear on your shoes when you first buy them by having toes and heels reinforced.
It is also important to take proper care of your feet. While bathing, smooth rough heels and calluses with a pumice stone, and then lavish on rich moisturizers. And beware of high heels and the damage they may cause to your feet. Podiatrists say that high heels and ill-fitting shoes in general aggravate and sometimes even cause foot problems, such as bunions, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails. Wear comfortable shoes when walking long distances and save the high heels for in-office wear and special occasions.
Reduce Stress.
One of the best ways to combat stress in your life is by getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to signs of aging and causes skin to become ashen and lose its firmness. Wrinkles form more quickly, and dry, chapped lips and dark circles under the eyes may result. Stress also leads to acne flare-ups. Exercise helps reduce stress and sets the stage for a good night's sleep. Organize your life and priorities so that stress is minimized and you get the rest that is needed to make you more productive on your job.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Health and Beauty Tips - Body Beautiful Skin Care

It will be winter soon here in Western Europe and I am always in the quest to have my skin stay healthy and not dry nor itchy during the cold chaffy days. Instead, I was able to find an article about beauty tips for summer! Summer is still long away but I just would like to share this article with any reader interested to look fantastic during the warmer summer days.

Although the focus of the tips is for the summer, it has useful information for winter beauty tips as well and the scientific explanation why ... such as skin getting harder and drier or rougher during cold season.

Here is the full bibliographic reference to the following helpful article:
"Body Beautiful Skin Care." Ebony May 1994: 112+. 
As spring approaches, thoughts wander to breezy summer attire, romantic evening strolls, sunbathing and romping at the beach. And then we take note of our rough, weather-beaten hands or look into the mirror at our dry, ashen skin, and spring dreams turn into complexion nightmares. But don't panic. Instead, fight back against the assault winter's cold, blustery weather has dealt to your skin. Now is the time to take account of the skin you're in from head to get ready for the body-revealing days of spring and summer.
Winter's frigid temperatures, lower humidity end icy winds leave skin dry and scaly, says Chicago dermatologist Dr. Rene Martin Earles. "There is a decrease in circulation and decrease in perspiration," he says. "And some people even experience a slower rate of the skin naturally shedding its outer layer. All of this results in a decrease in the suppleness of the skin. The skin is drier and feels rougher."
But your skin is exceptionally resilient, and with proper care and attention, it can bounce back from winter's doldrums. Skin, the largest organ, is a natural protective shield for the entire body. It helps transmit nutrients to hair and nails, helps regulate body temperature and even eliminetes certain wastes in the form of perspiration. Diet, hormones, climate, drugs, emotions, health and physical trauma all affect your precious skin.
First and foremost, a beautiful complexion is dependent on proper diet. If throughout winter you slacked off on nutrition, make a change for the better right now and start by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting down on your fat, cholesterol and salt intake. protein foods help prevent premature aging, and Vitamin A is good for dry skin. Healthy skin also needs adequate Vitamin B-complex. In addition, take note of how your skin reacts to certain foods and products, for many people have allergic reactions to chocolate, caffeine, citric acid, shellfish and soft drinks.
For a beautiful complexion, it is important that you thoroughly cleanse your face daily to remove dirt, soot, grime, old makeup and the skin's own constantly shedding outer layer. Never go to bed with makeup on, for it clogs the skin's pores and leads to blemishes.
Identify your skin type - oily, dry, combination or normal - and adopt a basic skin-care regimen that is right for you. And regardless of your skin type, never scrub or use harsh deodorant soaps on your face. If you have oily skin, it is most important that you cleanse your face at least twice daily and gently exfoliate your entire body to remove dead skin cells and prevent blocked pores that tend to cause blackheads and other blemishes. After washing your face with a mild soap or cleanser formulated for oily skin, use an astringent to remove all traces of soap. Then apply a light moisturizer. Throughout the day use powder or oil-blotting tissues keep the shine down.
If you have dry skin, stay away from drying soaps and instead use a creamy cleanser, followed by a toner and a good moisturizer. Those with sensitive skin should take note of how their complexions react to various cosmetics. Fortunately, there is an abundance of skin-care and makeup products formulated specifically for sensitive skin.
And don't forget the rest of your body. Lavish on moisturizers to keep your entire body soft and supple. And pay special attention to the trouble spots - hands, elbows, knees and feet - for they have fewer oil glands. If you have been neglecting your nails and feet all winter, now is the time to get them ready for summer's extra exposure. Get a professional manicure and pedicure and learn to care for your nails yourself. To remedy dry, rough, cracked feet, smooth on rich lotion or petroleum jelly and then put on socks before going to bed. Thousands of women, young and old, attest to this home remedy. If you have calluses on your hands or feet, visit a dermatologist to have them shaved off.
Dr. Earles also points out that as the weather gets warmer, there is a greater incidence of acne, fungal growths such as athlete's foot, and skin yeast infections The severity of all can be lessened with treatment. In addition, individuals who know or suspect they have skin disorders. rashes in particular, brought on by exposure to the sun should check with a dermatologist and take preventive measures It should be noted, adds Dr. Earles, that some medications commonly taken for high blood pressure may negatively react to exposure to the sun, resulting in a rash during the summer.
Today's Black man realizes that having great skin and practicing good hygiene enhance his appeal rather than detract from his masculinity. As with women, the harshness of winter weather takes its toll on male skin, so men must take a little extra care to help combat nature's elements.
Fortunately, there are a number of unscented face and body lotions that are great for men. After thoroughly washing the face and body, apply lotion to combat dryness. Ashy skin is never flattering, regardless of your other assets. And like their female counterparts, Black men should put extra moisturizers on the rough spots, including dry, cracked lips.
Because of their hair texture, many Black men are affected by razor bumps, or ingrown facial hair. To help avoid the problem, the skin should be softened with plenty of soap and water or shaving cream before shaving, Also note that the razor blade should move in only one direction.
Chicago dermatologist Dr. Rene Martin Earles, who treats numerous patients with complications from razor bumps says over the years he has found that depilatories work best for those who have severe problems. He points out that depilatories are creams. solutions and powders that are mixed with water and used to remove facial hair. "They break the bonds of the hair at the surface level of the skin." he explains. "When hair is broken that way. there is much less of a tendency for it to curl back into the skin.
However. for Black men whose skin is irritated by depilatories. Dr. Earles recommends using an electric shaver with a single edge. He advises against using 11 double-edge shaver because it cuts the hair off below the surface, allowing it to curl into the skin and form bumps.
Skin irritations resulting from razor bumps can lead to infections. scarring and keloid formation. To treat the problem. Dr. Earles recommends that the male patient first stop shaving. Then the facial hairs are manually removed and the skin is treated with antibiotics. Once the skin heals. another method of shaving or hair removal is recommended. Mary Black men with severe razor bumps opt to wear a beard.
After you get your complexion in beautiful condition, you should concentrate on perfecting the art of applying makeup. The key to a professional look is understanding that makeup is intended to enhance your natural beauty. Here are some tips from makeup experts with Fashion Fair Cosmetics.
* Sound foundation. After cleansing and moisturizing your face, use a cover stick a shade lighter than foundation to smooth out facial blemishes and uneven coloring, especially around the eyes. Those with oily skin should dust the face with loose powder. Then apply the foundation, which should match complexion and be applied with an upward, dabbing motion rather than a downward rub. Take care to end foundation into hairline and neckline achieve consistent tone. Then generously dust on loose power to set makeup and hold down the shine.

* Enticing eyes: To ease puffiness, try sleeping on your back with your head elevated. Sliced raw white potatoes, cucumbers and herbal tea bags placed over the eyes for several minutes also help alleviate puffiness. in addition, cut down on salt and foods high in sodium. To combat wrinkles and discoloration around the eyes, use a good eye cream. This spring, try earth tones to achieve shading without a lot of color to shape eyes into a beautiful polished look that is not overstated. For a dramatic, evening look, apply more color next to the lashes. For a lifting effect. line the top lid with a brown, black or navy pencil. Also note that this spring, eyebrows are strong and well-defined, adding more expression to the face. With brow pencil or brush-on brow, fill in brows where hairs are sparse. but resist completely reshaping the brows.
* Cheeky cheeks. Blushers, which should complement eye and lip colors, are important for an overall healthy look for spring. Warm colors such as bronzes. browns and peachy oranges look great on Black women. To apply blush, start at the apple of the cheek just below the cheekbone, and brush upward toward the top of the ear. And make sure you blend the, cheek color into the foundation and especially into the hairline. Then dust with more powder to hold blusher in place.

* Luscious lips: Full, well-defined lips are still the rage, Every woman should have red, bronze/brown orange coral and plum/burgundy lip color in their collection. Start by priming lips with a clear lip moisturizer. To give definition and hold lipstick in place, line and loosely shade in lips with 3 lip pencil that is complementary to the lip color. However, be aware that filling in lips with dry liner can lead to chapped lips. Also, the liner should not be seen. so take care to blend it in with lip brush. For matte finish, line lips, powder them before applying lipstick, and blot afterwards.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tips and Trick to Save Money While at the Oil Pump

How to save a few bucks everytime we get our cars pumped? It can be USD3 each timebut if you gassup at least 10 times each month, USD 30 isnot a bad amount!

Reading the following tips, I was grinning and at the same realized the reality in it. One good thing I can really not forget about this article is the "listening to your mom" part. It was put up cooly but it's indeed true! 

Work Cited
"Some Tips on Saving Money at the Pump." Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) 21 Sept. 2008: 21.

Some Tipson Saving Money at the Pump
Here is the scoop on a few commonly floated gas-saving tips, courtesy of Energyand Environmental Analysis, Inc..
Sweat a Little
For a car with a four-cylinder engine, running the air conditioner decreases fuel economy by 20%, says K.G. Duleep, managing director at Energy and Environmental Analysis,Inc., a consulting firm in Arlington,VA.
Drive 55
Speeding up by just five miles an hour on the highway cuts your fuel efficiency by 7% to 8%, according to David Green, a research fellow at Oak Ridge.
Use That Pressure Gauge
A single PSI (pound per square inch) drop in pressure of all four tires decreases fuel economy by 0.4%, according to But theres a limit: Make them too hard and you lose traction. The solution is to keep your tires inflated at the manufacturer-recommended level.
Turn Off the Engine
If youre going to be sitting for longer than a minute or two in a drive-through or waiting to pick up the kids at school, it pays to turn off the engine; every two minutes of idling uses about as much fuel as driving a mile. Coasting with the engine off is a really bad idea for cars that rely on power brakes and power steering.
Tune up that Dunker
Tuning up your car doesnt make much of a difference if its running fine. But if youve got an old car with multiple problems poor acceleration, misfiring a tune up could save you as much as 16 cents a gallon.
Listen to Your Mother
According to, aggressive driving at highway speeds, such as rapid acceleration, tailgating and constant braking, brings down fuel economy greatly. Driving more sensibly and at a constant speed can improve gas mileage by as much as 33%.